Dusri Saqafat K...Ejarah Dari Qai...NafazWaza QanoonNajaiz Qarar De...Qanoon SaziQanoon Banane K...Naehal HukumatParwarishFarz Mtmul Or Aali M...LazmiZaruriMunasib EhtiyatParwardigariWaldain Ki Farm...Kisi Mulk Ki Za...IntazamMali Muamlat Ch...Bad Intizami

پرورِش : Parwarish Meaning in English

Parwarish Synonyms


Parwarish in Detail

2 of 3) پرورش تربیت : Breeding Bringing Up Fosterage Fostering Nurture Raising Rearing Upbringing : (noun) helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community.

3 of 3) پرورش : Cultivation : (noun) the process of fostering the growth of something.

Useful Words

جسم : Body : the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being). "He felt as if his whole body were on fire".

مواد : Material : the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object. "Hard plastic material".

کھلا پلا کر بڑا کرنا : Nourish : provide with nourishment. "We sustained ourselves on bread and water".

وہ جگہ جہاں سے کوئی چیز شروع ہو : Beginning : the place where something begins, where it springs into being. "The Italian beginning of the Renaissance".
