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قابو میں رکھنا : Qabu Mein Rakhna Meaning in English

Qabu Mein Rakhna Sentence

Qabu Mein Rakhna Synonyms


Qabu Mein Rakhna in Detail

1 of 5) قابو میں رکھنا : Hold Down : (verb) restrain.

2 of 5) قابو میں رکھنا : Check Contain Control Curb Hold Hold In Moderate : (verb) lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits.

3 of 5) اشاروں پر چلانا حسب منشاء چلانا قابو میں رکھنا : Control Keep In Line Manipulate : (verb) control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one`s advantage.

4 of 5) قابو میں رکھنا : Hold Back Keep Keep Back Restrain : (verb) keep under control; keep in check.

5 of 5) قابو میں رکھنا : Hold One's Own : (verb) maintain one`s position and be in control of a situation.

Useful Words

رکھنا : Hold : keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,. "Maintain an aura of mystery and people will be drawn to you more".

شدت : Intensity : high level or degree; the property of being intense. "Intensity of heat wave in Karachi".

رکھنا : Hold On : retain possession of. "Robberies are on the rise these days, so keep the door closed".

کم کرنا : Decrease : decrease in size, extent, or range. "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester".

حد : Bound : the greatest possible degree of something. "Irshad got his neighbor`s number from somewhere and then he tried to befriend her but when she refused to befriend so he circulated her number in a group of his friends and told everyone that she is a characterless girl".

روکے رکھنا : Constrain : hold back. "Lack of firearms should not constrain police from protecting citizens".

ممانعت : Restraint : the act of controlling by restraining someone or something. "The unlawful restraint of trade".

اچانک غصے میں آنا : Irritation : a sudden outburst of anger. "His temper sparked like damp firewood".

اندر : Inside : on the inside. "Inside, the car is a mess".

Qabu Mein RakhnaDetailQuiz
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