Akelay Rehnay K...Mitti Ki Science Poudoun Ka Jara...Rumi Shazadi Rumi Badshah Ki...Rumi Jarnal Jangali Shotorm...Ghas Jesi Jari ...Sard Ghas Gandum Ghas Chara Ghas Sonay Ki KifiyatGandum Ki GhasGul E AlfGul E ChangAam Ghas Spain Ki Ghas Meydani GhasPathon K Dard K...Agahi Se Mutaliq

سرد گھاس : Sard Ghas Meaning in English

English Learning Video

Sard Ghas in Detail

1) سرد گھاس : Agropyron Genus Agropyron : (noun) perennial grasses of temperate and cool regions: wheatgrass; dog grass.

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Useful Words

ٹھنڈ : Cool : the quality of being at a refreshingly low temperature. "The cool of early morning".

کتا : Canis Familiaris : a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds. "Barking dogs seldom bite".

گھاس : Grass : narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay.

تین یا چار موسموں میں باقی رہنے والا : Perennial : lasting three seasons or more. "The common buttercup is a popular perennial plant".

علاقہ : Part : the extended spatial location of something. "The farming regions of France".

دھیما : Temperate : not extreme in behavior. "Temperate in his habits".

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