Unappareled Unanticipated Unanswered Unanswerable Unannounced Unanimously Unanimous Unanimity Unappealable Unappealingly Unappeasable Unappetising Unappetizing Unappreciated Unappreciatively Unapproachable Unarm Unarmed Unarticulate Unascertainable

Unappealable meaning in Urdu

Unappealable Sentence

The judge's ruling was handed down in a preliminary hearing rather than a trial and was therefore unappealable.

Unappealable Definitions

1) Unappealable : ناقابل مرافعہ, ناقابل اپیل : (adjective) not subject to appeal.


Useful Words

Anathemise : کوسنا , Adjuration : حلف , Winsomeness : دلکشی , Plead : اپیل کرنا , Call On : درخواست کرنا , Unimpassioned : ٹھنڈا , Condemnation : بد دعا , Characteristic : خصوصیت , Dutiable : قابل محصول , Propagandise : پراپیگنڈے کے زیر اثر لانا , Mortal : فانی , Involuntary : غیر ارادی , Unconditionally : شرائط کے بغیر , Conditionally : مشروط طور پر , Unrestrained : بے قابو , Changeable : غیر یقینی , Appointed : تقرراتی , Melancholiac : مالیخولیا میں مبتلا شخص , Repayable : قابل واپسی , Refract : منعطف ہونا , Blackguard : مذاق اڑانا , Common Land : عام استعمال کی چراہ گاہ , Variable : متغیر , Commutable : قابل تبدیل , Blister : برس پڑنا , Collectable : قابل حصول , Diagnose : مرض شناخت کرنا , Chew Over : غور کرنا , Confirmed : پکا , Embark : نیا کام شروع کرنا , Bookable : مختص کرنے کے لائق

Useful Words Definitions

Anathemise: wish evil upon; appeal harm upon.

Adjuration: a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something.

Winsomeness: childlike charm or appeal.

Plead: appeal or request earnestly.

Call On: have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to.

Unimpassioned: free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness.

Condemnation: an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group.

Characteristic: feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration.

Dutiable: subject to import tax.

Propagandise: subject to propaganda.

Mortal: subject to death.

Involuntary: not subject to the control of the will.

Unconditionally: not subject to a condition.

Conditionally: subject to a condition.

Unrestrained: not subject to restraint.

Changeable: subject to change.

Appointed: subject to appointment.

Melancholiac: someone subject to melancholia.

Repayable: subject to repayment.

Refract: subject to refraction.

Blackguard: subject to laughter or ridicule.

Common Land: a pasture subject to common use.

Variable: something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation.

Commutable: subject to alteration or change.

Blister: subject to harsh criticism.

Collectable: subject to or requiring payment especially as specified.

Diagnose: subject to a medical analysis.

Chew Over: reflect deeply on a subject.

Confirmed: of persons; not subject to change.

Embark: set out on (an enterprise or subject of study).

Bookable: subject to being reserved or booked.

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