Unappealable meaning in Urdu
Unappealable Sentence
Unappealable Definitions
1) Unappealable : ناقابل مرافعہ, ناقابل اپیل : (adjective) not subject to appeal.
Useful Words
Anathemise : کوسنا , Adjuration : حلف , Winsomeness : دلکشی , Plead : اپیل کرنا , Call On : درخواست کرنا , Unimpassioned : ٹھنڈا , Condemnation : بد دعا , Characteristic : خصوصیت , Dutiable : قابل محصول , Propagandise : پراپیگنڈے کے زیر اثر لانا , Mortal : فانی , Involuntary : غیر ارادی , Unconditionally : شرائط کے بغیر , Conditionally : مشروط طور پر , Unrestrained : بے قابو , Changeable : غیر یقینی , Appointed : تقرراتی , Melancholiac : مالیخولیا میں مبتلا شخص , Repayable : قابل واپسی , Refract : منعطف ہونا , Blackguard : مذاق اڑانا , Common Land : عام استعمال کی چراہ گاہ , Variable : متغیر , Commutable : قابل تبدیل , Blister : برس پڑنا , Collectable : قابل حصول , Diagnose : مرض شناخت کرنا , Chew Over : غور کرنا , Confirmed : پکا , Embark : نیا کام شروع کرنا , Bookable : مختص کرنے کے لائق
Useful Words Definitions
Anathemise: wish evil upon; appeal harm upon.
Adjuration: a solemn and earnest appeal to someone to do something.
Winsomeness: childlike charm or appeal.
Plead: appeal or request earnestly.
Call On: have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to.
Unimpassioned: free from emotional appeal; marked by reasonableness.
Condemnation: an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group.
Characteristic: feature commonly denotes a standout or unique attribute, trait, or property of a subject or individual. It may also point to a particular component or facet within a broader context, like a landscape feature, a cinematic feature film, or a magazine feature article. Features often serve as noteworthy, meaningful, or defining characteristics in the subject under consideration.
Dutiable: subject to import tax.
Propagandise: subject to propaganda.
Mortal: subject to death.
Involuntary: not subject to the control of the will.
Unconditionally: not subject to a condition.
Conditionally: subject to a condition.
Unrestrained: not subject to restraint.
Changeable: subject to change.
Appointed: subject to appointment.
Melancholiac: someone subject to melancholia.
Repayable: subject to repayment.
Refract: subject to refraction.
Blackguard: subject to laughter or ridicule.
Common Land: a pasture subject to common use.
Variable: something that is likely to vary; something that is subject to variation.
Commutable: subject to alteration or change.
Blister: subject to harsh criticism.
Collectable: subject to or requiring payment especially as specified.
Diagnose: subject to a medical analysis.
Chew Over: reflect deeply on a subject.
Confirmed: of persons; not subject to change.
Embark: set out on (an enterprise or subject of study).
Bookable: subject to being reserved or booked.