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Ashtray meaning in Urdu

Ashtray Definitions

1) Ashtray : راکھ دان : (noun) a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes.

Useful Words

Garbage : کوڑا کرکٹ پھنکنے کا ڈبہ , Cuspidor : اگالدان , Chamberpot : بچوں کے پیشاب پاخانہ کرنے کا برتن , Socket : ساکٹ , Catchall : تھیلا , Silent Butler : ایک چھوٹا ریزے اٹھانے والا برتن , Tray : تھالی , Electric Outlet : دیوار میں لگا ہوا بجلی کا پلگ , Case : بڑا یا چھوٹا حرف , Hot-Water Bag : گرم پانی کا تھیلا , Raspberry : رس بھری , Aggregate Fruit : گچھے دار پھل , Void : خالی کرنا , Ash : راکھ ہونا , Receptacle : ذخیرہ

Useful Words Definitions

Garbage: a receptacle where waste can be discarded.

Cuspidor: a receptacle for spit (usually in a public place).

Chamberpot: a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom.

Socket: a receptacle into which an electric device can be inserted.

Catchall: an enclosure or receptacle for odds and ends.

Silent Butler: a small receptacle with a handle and a hinged lid; used for collecting crumbs or ashes.

Tray: an open receptacle for holding or displaying or serving articles or food.

Electric Outlet: receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices.

Case: (printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers.

Hot-Water Bag: a stoppered receptacle (usually made of rubber) that is to be filled with hot water and used for warming a bed or parts of the body.

Raspberry: woody brambles bearing usually red but sometimes black or yellow fruits that separate from the receptacle when ripe and are rounder and smaller than blackberries.

Aggregate Fruit: fruit consisting of many individual small fruits or drupes derived from separate ovaries within a common receptacle: e.g. blackberry; raspberry; pineapple.

Void: clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something.

Ash: convert into ashes.

Receptacle: a container that is used to put or keep things in.

یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا