گرمی ٹھنڈ کے بغیر ہونے والا عمل : Garmi Thand Kay Baghair Honay Wala Amal Meaning in English
Garmi Thand Kay Baghair Honay Wala Amal in Detail
1) گرمی ٹھنڈ کے بغیر ہونے والا عمل : Adiabatic Process : (noun) (thermodynamics) any process that occurs without gain or loss of heat.
Useful Words
کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".
حاصل کرنا : Derive : obtain. "Gain some good".
گرم کرنا : Heat : make hot or hotter. "How to take a bath with cold water in such a cold Heat a little water so I can bathe in peace".
نقصان : Loss : something that is lost. "What is your loss?".
واقع ہونا : Come About : come to pass. "It has happened as feared".
طریقہ کار : Procedure : a particular course of action intended to achieve a result. "The case of your property is going in his favor so we have to follow the right procedure".