Pictographic meaning in Urdu
Pictographic Sentence
English Learning Video
Pictographic Definitions
1) Pictographic : تصویر نویسی سے متعلق : (adjective) consisting of or characterized by the use of pictographs.
Pictographic stage in the development of writing.
Useful Words
Picture Writing : تصویری تحریر , Octosyllabic : آٹھ رکنی , Narrative : قصے پر مبنی , Repetitious : تکرار سے بھرپور , Choleric : غضب ناک , Adulterous : زناکار , Resonant : گونج دار , Joyous : خوش , Autogamic : خودزواجی کے ذریعے پیدا ہوا , Hostile : معاندانہ , Cruddy : بے ہودہ , Brilliant : عظیم الشان , Acidotic : تیزابیت کی زیادتی سے متعلق , Squinty : بھینگا پن , Acronymic : مخفف میں , Jocosity : مزاح , Affectional : جذبات انگیز , Expressive : ترجمانی کرنے والا , Kinetic : حرکت والی , On The Fence : غیر جانب دار , Phlegmy : بلغم کا نکلنا , Argumentative : دلیل پر مبنی , Homosporous : یک جنس , Antagonistic : متنفر , Ardent : انتہائی جذباتی , Verdant : سرسبز , Lilting : متوازن انداز سے , Inflammatory : سوجا ہوا , Indulgent : مہربان , Lavish : اچھے طرز کا , Homeostatic : خود کار حیاتیاتی نظام کا
Useful Words Definitions
Picture Writing: a writing system using pictographs.
Octosyllabic: having or characterized by or consisting of eight syllables.
Narrative: consisting of or characterized by the telling of a story.
Repetitious: characterized by repetition.
Choleric: characterized by anger.
Adulterous: characterized by adultery.
Resonant: characterized by resonance.
Joyous: full of or characterized by joy.
Autogamic: characterized by or fit for autogamy.
Hostile: characterized by enmity or ill will.
Cruddy: characterized by obscenity.
Brilliant: characterized by grandeur.
Acidotic: having or being characterized by acidosis.
Squinty: characterized by squinting.
Acronymic: characterized by the use of acronyms.
Jocosity: fun characterized by humor.
Affectional: characterized by emotion.
Expressive: characterized by expression.
Kinetic: characterized by motion.
On The Fence: characterized by indecision.
Phlegmy: characterized by phlegm.
Argumentative: given to or characterized by argument.
Homosporous: characterized by homospory.
Antagonistic: characterized by antagonism or antipathy.
Ardent: characterized by intense emotion.
Verdant: characterized by abundance of verdure.
Lilting: characterized by a buoyant rhythm.
Inflammatory: characterized or caused by inflammation.
Indulgent: characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone.
Lavish: characterized by extravagance and profusion.
Homeostatic: related to or characterized by homeostasis.