Cocktail meaning in Urdu
Cocktail Definitions
1 of 2) Cocktail : پھلوں کا مشروب : (noun) a short mixed drink.
2 of 2) Cocktail : بھوک بڑھانے کا مشروب : (noun) an appetizer served as a first course at a meal.
Useful Words
Sour : کھٹا , Screwdriver : سنگترے کے رس اور ووڈکا کا مخلوط آمیزہ , Bullshot : ایک جام , Buck's Fizz : شراب اور کینو کا جوس , Hot Toddy : شربت , Rickey : سکنجبین شراب , Chaser : ایک کے بعد دوبارہ پی جانے والی شراب , Ladino : دو نسلوں والا , Mestiza : دو نسلوں والی عورت , Abies Fraseri : چھوٹا صنوبر , Chunky : پست قد اور موٹا , Howitzer : چھوٹی توپ , Badger Dog : لمبے جسم اور چھوٹی ٹانگوں والا کتا , Cut : پانی ملا , Adulterate : غیر خالص , Mingle : شریک ہونا , Unadulterated : بلا ملاوٹ , Belt Down : پورا پی جانا , Cur : آوارہ کتا , Plain : خالص , Hybrid : ملاپ , Ambivalence : دو جذبیت , Oenomel : شراب اور شہد , Sip : چسکی , Drench : زبردستی پلانا , Thirst : پانی کی پیاس لگنا , Sottishness : شرابی پن , Refresher : تازگی بخشنے والا مشروب , Sip : چسکی سے پینا , Miscible : قابل آمیزش , Pathetic : افسوس ناک
Useful Words Definitions
Sour: a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar.
Screwdriver: a cocktail made with vodka and orange juice.
Bullshot: a cocktail made with vodka and beef bouillon or consomme.
Buck's Fizz: a mixed drink containing champagne and orange juice.
Hot Toddy: a mixed drink made of liquor and water with sugar and spices and served hot.
Rickey: a mixed drink made of sweetened lime juice and soda water usually with liquor.
Chaser: a drink to follow immediately after another drink.
Ladino: a person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry).
Mestiza: a woman of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry).
Abies Fraseri: small fast-growing but short-lived fir of southern Alleghenies similar to balsam fir but with very short leaves.
Chunky: short and thick; as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature.
Howitzer: a muzzle-loading high-angle gun with a short barrel that fires shells at high elevations for a short range.
Badger Dog: small long-bodied short-legged German breed of dog having a short sleek coat and long drooping ears; suited for following game into burrows.
Cut: mixed with water.
Adulterate: mixed with impurities.
Mingle: get involved or mixed-up with.
Unadulterated: not mixed with impurities.
Belt Down: drink down entirely.
Cur: an inferior dog or one of mixed breed.
Plain: not mixed with extraneous elements.
Hybrid: a composite of mixed origin.
Ambivalence: mixed feelings or emotions.
Oenomel: wine mixed with honey.
Sip: a small drink.
Drench: force to drink.
Thirst: feel the need to drink.
Sottishness: stupefaction from drink.
Refresher: a drink that refreshes.
Sip: drink in sips.
Miscible: (chemistry, physics) capable of being mixed.
Pathetic: inspiring mixed contempt and pity.
Related Words
Cocktail in Book Titles
The Aviary Cocktail Book.
Cafe Royal Cocktail Book.
The Cocktail Keys: The Six Key Classics that Unlock the Cocktail Kingdom.