Copulation meaning in Urdu
Copulation Synonyms
Copulation Definitions
1) Copulation, Carnal Knowledge, Coition, Coitus, Congress, Intercourse, Relation, Sex Act, Sexual Congress, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Relation : مباشرت, جماع, جنسی اتصال : (noun) the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur.
Useful Words
Coital : مباشرتی , Member : ذکر , Courting : محبت , Divorcee : مطلقہ , Feminine : عورتوں کا , Old Woman : بوڑھی عورت , Jewess : یہودی عورت , Granny : بوڑھی عورت , Beldam : بڑھیا , Waitress : ملازمہ , Ambassadress : خاتون سفیر , Ex : سابقہ بیوی , Dulcinea : محبوبہ , Dame : اعلی خاتون , Fille : لڑکی , Ex : سابقہ شوہر , Adulteress : زانیہ , Fancy Man : آشنا , Unfeminine : عورتوں کے لئے نامناسب , Memsahib : میم صاحب , Airwoman : ہوا باز خاتون , Taskmistress : مشقت گیرنی , Bust : چھاتی , Duenna : محافظ استانی , Lady : بی بی , Huntress : شکار کرنے والی عورت , Womanhood : عورت ہونا , Beggarwoman : فقیرنی , Mayoress : خاتون میئر , Seductress : بہکانے والی عورت , Sorceress : جادوگرنی
Useful Words Definitions
Coital: of or relating to coitus or copulation.
Member: the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism).
Courting: a man's courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage).
Divorcee: a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband.
Feminine: befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman.
Old Woman: a woman who is old.
Jewess: a woman who is a Jew.
Granny: an old woman.
Beldam: a woman of advanced age.
Waitress: a woman waiter.
Ambassadress: a woman ambassador.
Ex: a woman who was formerly a particular man`s wife.
Dulcinea: a woman who is a man`s sweetheart.
Dame: a woman of refinement.
Fille: a young woman.
Ex: a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband.
Adulteress: a woman adulterer.
Fancy Man: a woman`s lover.
Unfeminine: not suitable for a woman.
Memsahib: a woman sahib.
Airwoman: a woman aviator.
Taskmistress: a woman taskmaster.
Bust: the chest of a woman.
Duenna: a woman chaperon.
Lady: a polite name for any woman.
Huntress: a woman hunter.
Womanhood: the status of a woman.
Beggarwoman: a woman who is a beggar.
Mayoress: a woman mayor.
Seductress: a woman who seduces.
Sorceress: a woman sorcerer.