جوڑنے والا : Jornay Wala Meaning in English
English Learning Video
Jornay Wala Synonyms
Jornay Wala in Detail
1 of 3) جوڑنے والا ملانے والا : Jointer Jointer Plane Jointing Plane Long Plane : (noun) a long carpenter's plane used to shape the edges of boards so they will fit together.
2 of 3) ملاپ کو پسند کرنے والا جوڑنے والا : Joiner : (noun) a person who likes to join groups.
3 of 3) جوڑنے والا ٹہوکنے والا : Tacker : (noun) a worker who fastens things by tacking them (as with tacks or by spotwelding).
Useful Words
سوار ہونا : Board : get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.).
لکڑی کا کام کرنے والا : Carpenter : a woodworker who makes or repairs wooden objects. "A bad carpenter always blames his tools".
آہستہ آگے بڑھنا : Edge : advance slowly, as if by inches. "He edged towards the car".
درست ہونا : Fit : be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired. "Just fit".
گروہ : Group : any number of entities (members) considered as a unit.
جوڑنا : Fall In : become part of; become a member of a group or organization. "Chri lynn joins PSL".
پسند کرنا : Like : be fond of. "There is no one else like me".
تڑپنا : Hanker : desire strongly or persistently. "He was longing to see you".
شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".
ہوائی جہاز : Aeroplane : an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by propellers or jets. "Get the plane unloaded".
جسم : Anatomy : alternative names for the body of a human being. "Anatomy of liver and surrounding".
تو : So : for this reason; therefore. "So what else".
وہ : They : Used to refer two or more people or things. "They that are bound must obey".
اکٹھے : Together : in each other`s company. "Can we have dinner together?".
متاثرہ شخص : Exploited : of persons; taken advantage of. "After going out of his way to help his friend get the job he felt not appreciated but used".
مرضی : Volition : the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention. "It was my will".