Seduce meaning in Urdu
Seduce Sentences
Seduce Synonyms
Seduce Definitions
1 of 2) Seduce, Make, Score : جنسی عمل کے لئے منانا, جماع کے لئے منانا : (verb) induce to have sex.
Useful Words
Enticement : فتنہ , Hypnotise : سلانا , Bring : قائل کرنا , Inducer : ترغیب دینے والا , Charm : راغب کرلینا , Persuasive : قائل کرنے والا , Persuasion : ترغیب , Ace : پہلے باری میں اسکور کرنا , Get Back : بدلہ لینا , Kickback : رشوت , Scotch : زخمی کرنا , Equalise : برابر کرنا , Scorekeeper : نمبر لکھنے والا , Behind : پیچھے , Ahead : مقابلے میں آگے , Scorer : اسکور کرنے والا , Whitewash : اسکور کیے بغیر ہارنا , Draw : کشمکش , Scoreboard : کھیل کے میدان میں ایک بڑا نمائشی نمبر تختہ , Fencing : تلواروں کا کھیل , Kickoff : کھیل کا آغاز , Cricket : کرکٹ , Home : بیس بال کی کریز , Baseball : بیس بال , Away : پرے , Behavior : چال چلن , Entice : پھسلانا , Consume : استعمال کرنا , Bring On : مسئلہ پیدا کرنا , Bait : چارہ , Proper : مناسب
Useful Words Definitions
Enticement: something that seduces or has the quality to seduce.
Hypnotise: induce hypnosis in.
Bring: induce or persuade.
Inducer: someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on.
Charm: induce into action by using one`s charm.
Persuasive: intended or having the power to induce action or belief.
Persuasion: the act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action.
Ace: score an ace against.
Get Back: take revenge or even out a score.
Kickback: a commercial bribe paid by a seller to a purchasing agent in order to induce the agent to enter into the transaction.
Scotch: make a small cut or score into.
Equalise: compensate; make the score equal.
Scorekeeper: an official who records the score during the progress of a game.
Behind: having the lower score or lagging position in a contest.
Ahead: having the leading position or higher score in a contest.
Scorer: a player who makes a score in a game or contest.
Whitewash: a defeat in which the losing person or team fails to score.
Draw: the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided.
Scoreboard: a large board for displaying the score of a contest (and some other information).
Fencing: the art or sport of fighting with swords (especially the use of foils or epees or sabres to score points under a set of rules).
Kickoff: (football) a kick from the center of the field to start a football game or to resume it after a score.
Cricket: a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players; teams take turns trying to score runs.
Home: (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score.
Baseball: a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs.
Away: from a particular thing or place or position (`forth` is obsolete).
Behavior: manner of acting or controlling yourself.
Entice: provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion.
Consume: serve oneself to, or consume regularly.
Bring On: cause to arise.
Bait: anything that serves as an enticement.
Proper: marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness.
Related Words
Seduce in Book Titles
Success is a crappy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can`t lose.â€.