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Congenital meaning in Urdu

Congenital Synonyms

Congenital Definitions

1) Congenital, Inborn, Innate : پیدائشی : (satellite adjective) present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development.

Useful Words

Acquired Immunity : جراثیم کے خلاف مدافعت , Cerebral Palsy : تشنجی فالج , Inherent Aptitude : جبلت , Afterbirth : جفت جنین , Dynast : حاکم , Hyaline Cartilage : نیم شفاف غضروف , Dumb : بے زبان , Aristocracy : اشرافیہ , Crowned Head : سلطان , Heritage : وراثت , Exclusive Right : استحقاق , Apparent : بظاہر , Dish : پیش کرنا , Unheard : بے سماعت , Adjacent : بالکل قریب , Crime : گناہ , Albino : سورج مکی , Caste : معاشرتی رتبہ , Tautology : غیر ضروری طور پر دہرانا , Bitch : کمینی , Come Down : کم ہونا , Homologous : ہم نسبت , Apodeictic : بلا خوف تردید , Dystrophy : بیماری جو عضا کو کمزور کردے , Adventure : مہم جوئی , Prole : مزدوروں کے طبقہ کا ایک رکن , Acquisition : حاصل کردہ شے , Echography : بالاصوت کے اطلاق سے مرعی عکس کی پیدا وار , Emit : آواز نکالنا , Correctable : قابل اصلاح , Fiction : افسانہ

Useful Words Definitions

Acquired Immunity: immunity to a particular disease that is not innate but has been acquired during life; immunity can be acquired by the development of antibodies after an attack of an infectious disease or by a pregnant mother passing antibodies through the placenta to a fetus or by vaccination.

Cerebral Palsy: a loss or deficiency of motor control with involuntary spasms caused by permanent brain damage present at birth.

Inherent Aptitude: inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli.

Afterbirth: the placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled from the uterus after the baby is born.

Dynast: a hereditary ruler.

Hyaline Cartilage: translucent cartilage that is common in joints and the respiratory passages; forms most of the fetal skeleton.

Dumb: unable to speak because of hereditary deafness.

Aristocracy: a privileged class holding hereditary titles.

Crowned Head: a nation`s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right.

Heritage: hereditary succession to a title or an office or property.

Exclusive Right: a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right).

Apparent: appearing as such but not necessarily so.

Dish: provide (usually but not necessarily food).

Unheard: not necessarily inaudible but not heard.

Adjacent: near or close to but not necessarily touching.

Crime: an evil act not necessarily punishable by law.

Albino: a person with innate albinism: white hair and white skin; eyes are usually pink.

Caste: a social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth.

Tautology: (logic) a statement that is necessarily true.

Bitch: a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked.

Come Down: move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way.

Homologous: having the same evolutionary origin but not necessarily the same function.

Apodeictic: of a proposition; necessarily true or logically certain.

Dystrophy: any of several hereditary diseases of the muscular system characterized by weakness and wasting of skeletal muscles.

Adventure: a wild and exciting undertaking (not necessarily lawful).

Prole: a member of the working class (not necessarily employed).

Acquisition: something acquired.

Echography: using the reflections of high-frequency sound waves to construct an image of a body organ (a sonogram); commonly used to observe fetal growth or study bodily organs.

Emit: express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words).

Correctable: capable of being returned to the original condition; not necessarily permanent.

Fiction: a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact.

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